Homemade Pillow Block and Motor Mount - declination axis
The pillow block has 1/4" x 3/4" bearings. I drilled a 3/4" dia hole 1/4" deep on each face and a 5/16 hole through the block. The trick is to get the 3/4" od bearings aligned so that the shaft is exactly perpendicular to the face of the motor mount. I did this by adding a 1/4" ply face to the pillow block with the 3/4" hole drilled in it. Then with the bearings and shaft installed and aligned, glue the 1/4" ply in place.
The front of the gearbox is removed for this photo. The stepper turns a
3/8" shaft, which drives a 1/2" x 10" diameter steel wheel.
This wheel in turn has a 3/4" shaft which turns the 42" double banded
Placement of the optical encoder on the RA axis. 8192 count encoder with
8x gear. 65536 ticks per revolution.